Turkish Trauma and Orthopaedics Association (TOTBİD)
Istanbul Medical Association
Selected Publications
[Treatment of AO type C2-C3 fractures of thedistalend of theradiuswithexternalfixation].
Mahmut M Kömürcü, Levent L Kamaci, M Taner MT Ozdemir, A Sabri AS AteşalpandMustafa M BaşbozkurtActaOrthopTraumatolTurc39(1):39-45 (2005) PMID 15805753
Immunohistochemicalanalysis of TIMP-2 andcollagentypes I and IV in experimentalspinalcordischemia-reperfusioninjury in rats.
Ihsan Anik, Sibel Kokturk, Hamza Genc, Burak Cabuk, Kenan Koc, Sadan Yavuz, Sureyya Ceylan, Savas Ceylan, Levent KamaciandYonca AnikJ SpinalCordMed34(3):257-64 (2011) PMID 2175656
Minimal-invasiveTechnique in Treatment of PigmentedVillonodularSynovitis of Ankle
Huri, Gazi MD*; Pehlivan, Özcan MD†; Kamaci, Levent MD*; Atay, Ozgur Ahmet MD‡; Doral, Mahmut Nedim MD‡